ReteMet is the evolution converting Limet’s (Liguria Meteorology and Culture Association
Limet’s network has brought forward to public attention the basic importance of weather monitoring in real time. The target is to learn and consolidate the micro-climate data of a complex environment on an indicated area of Liguria and maximize the control on extreme events, reducing the climate risks.
Starting from ReteMet core business, Limet has been running for 10-years and achieving an invaluable weather data collection through a network of semi-professional weather stations managed by weather enthusiastic amateurs who divulge the main meteorological parameters available in real-time.
Limet boasts a team of professional forecasters and passionate activists who have improved in the course of the years advanced forecasting methods on a local basis, thanks to their in-depth knowledge of the weather local features and the feedback experience of past weather events.
Limet is also a training centre where the complex science of meteorology is taught in a simplified way through educational activities in schools and media channels.
Thanks to its evolution and diversification, Navimeteo has focused on the development of services for the hydro-geological monitoring, information services and tailored weather assistance tailored for golf clubs, ports and info points making the weather bulletins available to the regional operative centre of Valle d’Aosta (Centro Funzionale Regione Valle D’Aosta).
Daniele Laiosa, Limet’s President and Technical Manager of the Navimeteo Service, is the liaison between ReteMet, Limet and Navimeteo.