06 Oct Meeting of Plain Green
Meeting of Plain Green: urban safety and management of rainfalls
The meeting deals with the problem of the urban safety trying to involve all public and private organizations taking part to the planning and building of towns capable to integrate their skyline and climatic aspect with an effective policy of environmental protection increasing territorial values at the same time. The meeting will see the participation of public administrators with the presentation of a “white paper” on urban sustainability by “Smart City” and the interventions carried out in the city conurbation while the University of Genoa will tackle the climatic change and the management of rainfalls with practical examples and studies.
Companies and professionals will deal with their own experiences on sustainability both from the point of view of the prevention of alluvial events and improvement of the urban skyline.
A round table with the participation of members of technical bodies will draw the conclusions of the meeting targeting the idea of having a common paper written down by those who contribute to transform our city, making it ever and ever safe and better to meet up the quality of life.
ReteMet will be present and will deal with “Collection of data in real time during a precipitation event. To know for “understanding and preventing”
Source http://ordinearchitetti.ge.it/
Please download the information leaflet
Technical bodies of planners, landscape makers and conservationists of Genoa county council organize a meeting in co-operation with Plain Green inside of the Water Habitat Week with water at the centre of the events.
Info and Registration
The place: hall of Genoa Architects’ Society, 18, San Matteo Square
The Way: registration at Portal la Materia – Ordine Architetti GE
Number of seats: max 60
Entrance: free
Call for papers: 8 per architect
Thursday 6th October.
Urban sustainability and management of precipitation
9:00 am
Registration of participants
9:15 am
Opening of meeting: a greeting by Paolo Raffetto President of the Genoa Architects’ Society
9:30 am
Paolo Lafranconi and Riccardo Banella – Plain Green
The sustainable city
9:45 am
Welcome of Genoa council: Councillors for Development and Economic Affairs, Environmental Protection, Pubblic Works, Presentation of “Genoa Smart City”
10:15 am
P. Castiglieri – Genoa Smart City Society
Presentation of the white paper on urban sustainability.
10:45 am
P. Garibaldi
Genoa County Council: sustainability in the metropolitan area, the blue and green areas, projects and results obtained, main activities and undertakings.
11:15 am
Coffee break
11:30 am
L. Lanza – UNIGE
DICCA Water and urban sustainability
12:00 am
K. Perini – UNIGE
DSA: Green and blue facilities in urban centres
12:30 am
N. Buogo and M. Marchetti – Water retention solutions
Planning of interventions on the territory: an interdisciplinary approach to urban sustainability
01:00 pm
Management of the flooding risk
02:00 pm
A. Caridi, D. Caviglia, A. Delucchi – Co- Founder of ARTYS
Innovative Systems for Real Time Monitoring.
02:30 pm
L. Barbucci – IBR Sistemi srl
F. Querini – Apel Mar Technology srl
“Radar low-cost solutions for nowcasting” Norms, application examples and technical solutions.
03:00 pm
M. Colli – Research assistant at DICCA
Hydraulic performances of sustainable urban drainage.
03:30 pm
S. Saj
The systems used in the history of water supply and storing in the Genoa City Centre.
04:00 pm
Coffee break
04:30 pm
Maurizio Crasso – HARPO Seic SpA
Roof gardens in Genoa
05:00 pm
Daniele Laiosa – Migrazioni srl
The real time data collection during a flooding event. To know for preventing and understanding.
05:30 pm
Round table with the participation of technical societies chaired by R. Banella and P. Lafranconi of Plain Green (Agronomers’ Society, Architects’ Society, Surveyors’ and Geologists’ Society all from Genoa)
18:20 pm
Closing of meeting – Targets of the meeting
The meeting deals with urban sustainability involving all public and private organizations taking part to the planning of, and building, towns capable to integrate their landscape and climatic aspects with an effective policy of protection of the environment increasing territorial values at the same time. The meeting will see the participation of public administrators with the presentation of a white paper by “Smart City” on urban sustainability and the interventions carried out in the city conurbation while the University of Genoa will tackle the climate change and management of rainfalls with practical examples and studies. Companies and professionals will deal with their own experiences on sustainability both from the point of view of the prevention of flooding events and the improvement of the urban skyline (built-up areas). A round table with the participation of members of technical bodies will draw the conclusions of the meeting targeting the idea of writing down a common paper by those who contribute to transform our city making it ever and ever safe and better to meet up to the quality of life.